Newbie investors have a tendency to fall into the shiny object syndrome. Investment opportunities abound. You do not have to jump at every chance you come across. It is best to consider specific considerations when playing the long game of real estate.
However, for someone who has been around and owns a portfolio, the question of stepping up and scaling one's company always arises.
The key to starting up and accelerating growth is to think strategically if only to maximize resources and diversify one's assets.
In this episode, Brian Gordon shares valuable insights about real estate and financial literacy, which is the foundation for wealth generation. Hear also how he teaches an entrepreneurial mindset to his children.
Newbie investors have a tendency to fall into the shiny object syndrome. Investment opportunities abound. You do not have to jump at every chance you come across. It is best to consider specific considerations when playing the long game of real estate.
However, for someone who has been around and owns a portfolio, the question of stepping up and scaling one's company always arises.
The key to starting up and accelerating growth is to think strategically, if only to maximize resources and diversify one's assets.
In this episode, Brian Gordon shares valuable insights about real estate and financial literacy, which is the foundation for wealth generation. Hear also how he teaches an entrepreneurial mindset to his children.
His experience of investing has taught him the importance of not hiring just any contractor, but a specialist.
He shares investing strategies and opportunities in Canada, the US, and Europe. Along with that is the emphasis that what you focus on is grounded in your big 'why' and the goals you want to achieve.
As a final note, he stresses the importance of taking care of your mindset as you learn about real estate because that will take you further down the road to your goals.
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What you will learn from this episode:
Brian Gordon is a Real Estate Investor, Wealth Generating Educator & Mentor who is strategically helping others create a path to generating wealth.
He has always found an interest in the Canadian financial system and how money works. In part from experience working for a real estate investment trust. Brian's personal interest in real estate investing prompted him to build his portfolio.
Aside from acquiring 9 investment properties over the last 6 years, ranging from legal duplex/triplex to vacation rental properties, Brian, a lifelong learner, follows his mantra "acquiring wisdom". This often has him offering insightful perspectives that others hadn't previously considered.
Brian is a devoted partner and father and enjoys planning family time or travel, providing microloans to small business owners in developing countries, and dedicating time to his community.
Connect with Brian Gordon:
Topics Covered:
02:57 - Never too young to start in real estate [bringing his children to investment groups that offer literacy programs for kids]
05:10 - Always give time to work on your mindset
06:32 - Talking about his first investment property, lessons learned from his deals, and the mistakes to avoid in real estate investing
09:48 - Hiring a specialist and not just any contractor
11:49 - Boosting your confidence as a newbie investor
13:14 - Singling out a property deal that gives a nostalgic feel to it and the most rewarding experience [also sharing upcoming deals he is excited about]
15:42 - Investing in big cities versus the rural areas
17:20 - How his property evaluation background helped him in his real estate investing business
19:56- Tools and resources that work best for him in managing his real estate business
21:34 - Big reasons for investing outside of Canada
22:48 - Investing opportunities in the US to gain active income
25:06 - Deciding which one to own first: land versus a physical property
27:46 - The reason behind him buying investment properties while renting a place to live for his family
30:20 - Stress test your portfolio and tips on how to prepare for downtime
33:17 - Best ways to get in touch with Brian and know the ways he gives back to the community
Key Takeaways:
"I really just try to instill it every chance I get financial literacy, investing, being an employee versus being a business owner, and the benefits that go along with being a business owner against being an employee." - Brian Gordon
"One of the things I do is I spend a lot of time reading, attending sessions on how to get your mind right, have a clear mind, and focusing on mindset, versus just real estate." - Brian Gordon
"One of the pitfalls I made and one of the things I stress to new investors is really the importance of a team, but also the importance of having each member be a specialist in what they do." - Brian Gordon
"If you don't know, reach out to other individuals who are much further along their journey. " - Brian Gordon
"If you want to become a serious investor, you join a mastermind or have an accountability partner to support you on your journey." - Brian Gordon
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